
Directions to Leos


From Leeds City Centre and the South (including M1 and M621)

  1. Follow signs for the A61 (Harrogate) through the City Centre
  2. Whatever route you've followed through the city, about about half a mile out of Leeds you'll go through "Sheepscar Interchange" - roads in all directions, it has its own Wikipedia entry!
  3. Follow A61 (Harrogate) and you'll be on dual carriageway, continue for a further 4 miles
  4. On reaching the roundabout with the A6120 Outer Ring Road, turn left
  5. At the next roundabout (just before the shopping centre which includes Sainsbury’s and Homebase), turn right onto King Lane
  6. Follow King Lane for approx 1 mile; there is a Tescos express on the right, continue past this and past a field with a playground on the left, then past a very small car park on the left, then turn immediately left onto a track which is also the entrance to the car park (NB on this corner is a sign that says "home of Leodensian Rugby Club, Cricket Club and The Valley Striders)
  7. Go straight down the track (not into the car park) and at the end of the track go straight ahead (ish) into a large car park, the clubhouse is at the end of the car park.

From the North East and East

From the North West and West

From Ilkley and Otley